Why do people fart, and why does it smell so badly? Continue and get answers.
You eat delicious meals enjoying yourselves, oblivious of the fact that you swallow air as you feed, and also that as the food is digested in the intestines, gas is produced. You are also unaware that when gas seeps into the intestines from the blood, air goes into the system. And again that Gas is also produced by chemical reactions in the intestines, as well as bacteria that may be in the stomach. These gasses which are, from time to time, passed out of the body through the intestine, from the anus into the air, are referred to as "farts." And as one farts, they do not smell for about 10 - 15 seconds. Yes, it takes that long for the odor to reach one's nostrils. And for that reason people, especially ladies, are ashamed to fart and so try to hold it in until the coast is clear.
Now the composition of fart is Oxygen - 4%; Methane - 7%; Carbon dioxide - 9%; Hydrogen - 20%; Nitrogen - 59%. And about 1% of a fart contains Mercaptans, and Hydrogen Sulfide Gas, which contains Sulfur, and it is the Sulfur that actually makes farts stink.
Therefore when you eat sulfur-rich diets such as beans, cheese, eggs, meat, fish, cabbage, soda, etc. these can make you release gas that can send people scrambling for safety. You may try to control it but sometimes, it is uncontrollable.
Even if you decide to hold in fart and you clenched your butt, holding it in all day, when you relax, probably while sleeping, the gas will escape; it is only natural.
It is said that the average person produces about half a litre of farts daily, and although ladies will not admit it, they fart as often as men. In fact a Study suggests that when men and women eat the exact same food, women tend to have more concentrated gas than men. And if a person was to continously fart for about 6 years or more, that person would produce gas that has equivalent energy of an atomic bomb.
Some Experts opine that holding farts in could cause hemorrhoids,bloating, or a distended bowel. Some however disagree saying that farts are a natural part of the digestive system, and so they are not harmful when held in.
Although most Cultures suppress farts as a sign of politeness, others don't mind letting them fly in public, and they actually enjoy it. An Online Report has it that an Indian Tribe in South America called "The Yanomami," fart as a greeting. Also in China, one can actually get a job as a professional fart-smeller. Terrible don't you think?
It is said that 3 hours after a person passes on, gasses continue to escape from both ends of the digestive tract, and this results in farting noises, and this is as a result of muscles contracting and expanding before rigor mortis (stiffness) sets in.
The important thing to note is that farts are natural, but since they make most people feel uncomfortable and highly embarrassed, there are solutions that can make this problem go away.
When you drink daily, first thing in the morning and last thing at night, Tiens Antilipemic Tea, you release from your system, plenty of gas. In addition, you move your bowels easily, and in the process, release even more gas. So that when you go out, you do not experience the embarrassment of farting in public.
Also, when you take plenty of fruits and vegetables daily, you release plenty of gas from your system. You can also take peppermints or the sweet called "tomtom." They can help you release gas from your system. However, please use the last option only occasionally, as it is not healthy to take too much sweets.
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Stay Healthy Always And Remain Blessed. Love You All.
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