
Tuesday, October 4, 2016


17. For Hair - Vitamins A and C in pawpaw promote hair growth, strengthen the hair, prevent dandruff, keep the hair moisturized and healthy. Use pawpaw leaf extracts as conditioner for extra shine to dull and lifeless hair.
18. For Digestive Disorders - The papain in pawpaw breaks down tough protein fibres in foods for better digestion. It helps bowel movement and prevents constipation. It treats minor as well as chronic problems of indigestion.
19. Prevents Blood Cloths - For those in sedentary jobs, pawpaw stops blood clothing in their feet.
20. Pepper Substitute - Some people dry pawpaw seeds, blend and use them as substitute for pepper.

An Online Report states how this miracle fruit is used for CURE of the following conditions, as follows -

1. Stomach Ulcer -
(a) Boil some unripe pawpaw fruits, including the seeds, in a pot containing clean water.
(b) After 2 days filter out the liquid of the boiled pawpaw.
(c) Drink it warm and take half a glass 3 times daily.
2. Asthma - During an attack, inhale smoke from dried pawpaw leaves.
3. Malaria - Drink half a glass of infusion of yellow pawpaw leaves 3 times daily. That is soak the leaves in water for sometime to get the flavor, and drink the liquid.
4. Cough - Wash thoroughly some tender pawpaw roots, chew and swallow the liquid every 3 hours.
5. Impotence - (a) Chop unripe pawpaw into bits, and boil.
(b) Drink half a glass of the liquid 2 times daily.
6. Pile - (a) Wash thoroughly and boil some pawpaw roots in a pot. (b) Drink the liquid 4 times daily.
(c) After each defecation, insert into the anus, a mixture of dried powder pawpaw with fresh dew.
7. Jaundice - (a) Infuse some unripe pawpaw fruits for a few days, that is soak them in water for a few days to get the flavor. (b) Take half a glass of the liquid 3 times daily.
8. Epilepsy and Convulsion -
(a) Grind into powder some dry pawpaw leaves.
(b) Mix with palm kernel oil or shell butter.
(c) Use regularly as body cream.
9. Worms - Chew in the morning, and on empty stomach, a handfull of ripe pawpaw seeds. This will kill and expell worms in the stomach.
10. Irregular Menstruation -
(a) Blend dry pawpaw seeds
(b) Mix with lemon juice
(c) Drink a quarter of a glass twice daily.
11. Tuberculosis - (a) Take a handful of ripe pawpaw seeds, with garlic. Chew and swallow them twice daily.
(b) Also, Mix ginger and bitter kola in a bottle of honey. Take 1 table spoonful each, morning and evening.
12. Stomach Ache - (a) Mix white juice of unripe pawpaw and honey, in equal quantities.
(b) Dilute 2 spoonful in a glass of water, and take this 3 times daily.
13. Constipation - (a) Wash clean a handful of pawpaw leaves. (b) Squeeze in a glass of water, and drink. It gives quick relief.
14. Staph. Infection - (a) Grind 8 seeds of pawpaw
(b) Mix with 1 spoonful of pure honey. (c) Take 1 spoonful daily for 1 week.

In view of its many health benefits, eat enough pawpaw (but do not over-do it), and use as prescribed for health issues.

But remember that Tiens and Fohow Supplements have CURATIVE effect on virtually all ailments. Supplement actually means that, you are to supplement your meals, in order to maintain perfect health in the body. If you wish to purchase supplements, please feel free to text or call me on +2348034863154 or +2348097890448, or send a mail to, and I will gladly attend to you.

Stay Healthy Always And Remain Blessed. Love You All.

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