
Friday, March 18, 2016


God Bless You Dear Readers. We shall take some health tips.

1. Learn to pray with your family daily and receive God's protection
and blessings. Healing really comes from God. Therefore a life
without God is empty and meaningless.

2. When you wake up do stretching exercises to boost circulation,
digestion, and ease back pain.

3. Brush your teeth properly, for at least 2 minutes, holding your
toothbrush as you would hold a pencil. Brush the teeth, junction of
the teeth and gums, tongue, roof of the mouth, and change your tooth
brush every or every other month. Improper brushing of the teeth can
cause damage to the teeth and gums as not brushing at all. Fohow
Toothpaste will help protect your teeth.

4. Take 1 satchet of Calcium daily for strong bones, teeth, and
healthy body. Your bone density declines after age 30. Tianshi Calcium
is very good for children and adults. This calcium protects one from
over 180 different types of ailments.

5. Fohow has a Product that prevents excessive bleeding. This will
greatly assist patients who go for surgery.

6. Eat tomatoes and apples daily or every other day to reduce your
risk of asthma and chronic lung diseases, as they both contain an
antioxidant called quercetin.

7. Eat a wide range of foods so that you can get a balanced diet, as
your body needs all the nutrients it can have. Also eat plenty of
fruits and vegetables daily.

8. Pregnant mums, take Folic Acid daily, as it prevents spina bifida
(a birth defect where there is incomplete closing of the backbone and
membranes around the spinal cord, mostly around the lower back) in
unborn babies, and also prevents cancer. Tianshi Calcium will do you
and baby a lot of good.

9. Quit relationships that no longer work for you instead of spending
time in a dead end. You could miss opportunities while trying to
salvage what is long gone.

10. Take your Tianshi, Fohow, and Tahitian Noni Juice Supplements
regularly, and stay healthy and happy always.

Stay Healthy Always And Remain Blessed.

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