God Bless You Dear Readers. We shall take a few Health Tips.
1. Learn to Laugh as much as possible. Apart from promoting social
bondind, it eases stress, lowers blood pressure, and may boost your
immune system as well.
2. Apart from laughter, some foods soothe stress, thus counteracting
the damage of chronic pressure to the body, such as orange, avocado
pear, walnut which lowers blood pressure under stress, almond,
pistachio (eating a handfull of it daily lowers blood pressure),
oatmeal, fatty fish, e.g. salmon, mackerel, herring, and light tuna,
which contain omega-3 fatty acids, protect against heart diseases,
3. Do not skip breakfast. Eating oatmeal which contains fibre keeps
you going till late noon.
4. Sleep for at least 7 hours at night and live longer.
5. Your poo (faeces) speaks volumes about your health. It should be
smooth and light. If it is lumpy, or hard like granite, it means you
are constipated. In that case, increase your water and fiber intake.
Or take Tianshi Antilipemic Tea, chew 1 or 2 satchets, wash it down
with warm water, and you are alright.
6. Eat fruits and vegetables daily. This will help you to move your
bowels daily and improve your health considerably.
7. Breath in air through your nose until your lungs are full.
However, do not do it in a polluted environment. Doing this will pump
in nitric oxide, a chemical which opens up blood vessels, at the back
of your nose. The oxygen inhaled will help you to remain happy, alert
and healthy.
8. Do not overfeed. This will help you to maintain an average
weight, maintain perfect health, and prolong your life.
9. As much as possible eat home- made meals, to ensure you take in
the right nutrients in your meals.
10. Stop bottling up. Share your problems with others to reduce
aging through stress, maintain happiness, and live longer.
11. Take Tianshi, Tahitian Noni Juice, and Fohow International's
Natural Health Products to build your immune system, and thus protect
you from ailments, promote perfect health and longevity.
For more information please call or text me on +2348034863154, or send
a mail to lynmail45@gmail.com.
Stay Healthy Always And Remain Blessed.
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